I used to drive a Miata. It was a fun car to drive and it looked awesome. But you know, just not too practical. Like, if I had to pick anyone up from the airport their luggage couldn’t be bigger than a postage stamp. And if I parked in an empty part of the parking lot, I could lay down a huge bet that when I returned, oversized vehicles on steroids would be parked on either side of me even though there was a whole other acre they could have parked in. And big trucks driving beside me afforded me a view of their Miata sized tires and scared the bejeesus out of me. And the time that Sharon and I went shopping at Ikea in the winter and when we came out realized that we had forgot that we brought my Miata and Sharon was very pregnant AND had bought a lot of stuff and it was SO cold and we had to put the top down so that everything (including the baby) would fit. And it’s NOT a good idea to smoke with the top down – not that I smoke anymore….
Doug drives a Toyota truck. It’s getting on in age but still runs and the rust spots aren’t too bad yet. Doug babies his vehicles. Just ask his kids, my kids, his nieces and nephews – they grew up knowing “Don’t TOUCH the paint!!!! – don’t eat anything inside!!!! – don’t breath!!!!! (ok so I exaggerate – actually just a little)”. Suffice to say that we would have been better off parking the truck at home and walking to where we were going because most of the time it went like this:
Me: there’s a parking spot
Doug: hmm
Me: what’s wrong with that spot?
Doug: I don’t like it
Me: but it’s close
Doug: I don’t like the car I have to park beside
Me: ?????
Then he would drive for a little while longer and with great satisfaction say “here’s a great spot” and I’d say “but this is Burnaby and the mall is in North Vancouver”.
Mom, where was the exaggeration?
Yes, I know - but remember, you were actually allowed to breath as long as you didn't exhale.
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