Doug doesn't want me to post these pictures, but considering that I'm the anal one and I'm good with it here they are.
This is what our kitchen looked like after three days without hot water. Apparently one of the side affects was that we couldn't take out the garbage and recycling or put anything back in the cupboards.
What you can't see is that the garbage under the sink is full. That 's why we just piled up the used coffee filters.
First of all, I think your kitchen is beautiful (minus all the stuff on the counter).
Secondly - I always freeze up whenever one of my major conveniences is taken away, like hot water (or running water, in our case). I can't even fold laundry or vacuum, despite the fact those chores have nothing to do with water.
This is how our kitchen always looks. Especially right now, since our garbage disposal is broke and we are waiting for a new one, which clogs the sink every time we try to do dishes, so everything is seriously piling up!
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