Sunday, December 6, 2009


36 years ago I gave birth to my first child. 36 years ago! That’s like 3 score and…6.

I remember being 36. I really loved that time of my life. I loved it so much that I kept it. The 36 that is. A couple of years ago I had to go in for some physio because I had hurt my back (you see, there it starts, that whole aging thing) and when the physio guy asked me my age, I said, without batting an eye, 36. Yeah, you should have seen the look on his face. And when I tried to back track and say, no wait, I’m 4orty, no, crap! I’m 52? I realized for the first time that middle age had come and smacked me upside the head and raced on ahead of me.

And now here is my daughter. 36 - with three beautiful children of her own. Busy as any mother with three kids is. Always getting ready for tomorrow. I remember those days.

And what I know now is that being 36 when you’re 54 is way easier than being 36 when you’re 36.

Happy Birthday, Shana!