Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tax Time - The Comedy

Doug and I both work from home. Well, actually, it's more that he computer programs and every so often I'll do paperwork. There are so many benefits to working from home:
  1. Short commute
  2. Relaxed dress code
  3. Relaxed personal hygiene (eeewww - but it's true)
  4. Long lunches/and or early dinners
  5. Set-your-own-salary (totally dictated by how-much-did-we-invoice)
  6. All that together time....
For the most part it works well. For the most part.

You see, it's tax time. Now personal taxes are one thing. Those I can do. Corporate taxes are quite another thing. Doug is of the belief that the government shouldn't make tax forms so difficult that you would have to hire someone (like an Expert) to fill them out.

So, for the past few years I have been in charge of putting all the numbers into the right spots. It usually goes something like this:

I spend a few hours in my office thinking up nasty things to do to Revenue Canada for complicating corporate taxes, wondering what perverted thrills accounting people really get from doing this and then I shut down my computer, stomp down the stairs in a huff, open a bottle of wine and tell Doug "everything's coming along fine".

After a rather compelling and convincing debate (ok, temper tantrum) we have finally hired the Expert to do this year's corporate taxes. He's good. He even has a sense of humor. Like wanting to know where our trial balance is.

Riiight, like we actually have one of those.

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