Friday, May 2, 2008

It's a Piece of Cake

We have been renovating our house for the past several years (I never saw it before we bought it, only Doug did (and I had to rely on his memory about every room) – yes, I know it’s totally weird, but that’s another story).

It’s taken quite some time but we finally get to the second to last of the major projects – the bathrooms. Now, I had the vision in my mind for the powder room and in various discussions between Doug and me he decides to rip out our ensuite. Keeping in mind, of course, that I had a vision for the powder room.

But, in order to keep projects moving forward (because sometimes you can just talk things out to death), I quickly shifted gears and created a vision for the ensuite. I purchased all of the tile, plumbing fixtures, lighting, pretty much everything but the cabinetry. Everything is delivered, we’re all set to go. The demolition is easy. There’s some work that needs done with the plumbing. We go to the plumbing store. We get all the bits and pieces and stuff.

And then I wait. It is June 2005. July. August. “Should I hire a plumber?” I ask. “Oh, no. I just need some time to devote to it – it’s a piece of cake”, I am assured.

The tile that is piled in the foyer makes an excellent Santa sleigh when it is covered with red fabric at Christmas. By the time spring arrives everyone assumes that the tile piled up in the foyer is actually a sculpture that I created.

By the time summer 2006 rolls around, we’ve had a couple of very short conversations that ended with me brokering a deal (ok, having a temper tantrum) to hire someone to do ALL the bathrooms. Clearly, we are not cut out for these major rip-them-out-do-it-yourself projects.

And Habitat for Humanity? They were the real winners. Because of course, once I got to the bathroom showroom, I totally shifted gears for the ensuite and everything I had bought a year earlier was, well, sooo last year

Our next project? Inserting a flat panel TV into the wall of our bedroom and relocating the ceiling fan. Sounds like a piece of cake, right?

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